Column/Tower Maintenance. (During Shutdown)

Column Maintenance.

Main 2 Type of column in oil and Gas plant

1> Tray column,
2> Packed column

1- Tray column, where trays of various designs are used to hold up the liquid to provide better contact between vapor and liquid, hence the better separation

2-Packed column, where instead of trays, “packings” are used to enhance contact between vapor and liquid phases.

Type of Column as Prosses

Distillation column. 

Vacuum column.

Crude column.

Debutanizer column. and More

Internal parts.
1, Trays
2, Packing 
3, Demister pad
4, Downcomers.
5, Beam support
6, Vortex breaker
7, Liquid distributor
8, TSR ( Tray supporting ring )

Type of trays

1, Bubble cap trays
2, Sieve trays
3, Tunnel cap trays
4, Chimney trays
5, Hole trays
6, Support Grid. and more
Bubble cap tray

Valve Tray

Sieve tray

Chimney tray

Support Grid.

Column internal packing.
Structured Packing
Random Packing

Demister pad.

Column Internal arrangement and View

Internal activity

 1, Internal tray valve installation.
 2, Tray removing and new installation.
 3, Internal shell and trays cleaning.
 4, Tray removing and new installation.
 5, Demister pad removing and new installation.
 6, Internal repair and inspection of NDT, UT, and others as required.

External activity

1, Blinding/De-blind
2, Manways opening.
3, Valve replacement
4. LG (level gauge remove cleaning)
5. Safety valve removal and calibration.
6, LT ( Level transmitter removal and calibration)
    Trays removing/Installation.
Trays removing/Installation
Confirm the work permit is open and blinding is completed, after opening the manways and starting the internal activity.
(This is Internal activity means one needs a confined space entry permit and Follows the CSE procedure.) 
(1)Trays removing start from top to bottom.
(2) During the Trays remove and write all trays numbers
    and circle numbers. Example circle A tray 1, 2, 3.
(3) Removed trays shift at ground level.
(4) Trays clean by hydro-jetting or manual.

Tray replacement
The new tray is an installation method,  make a circle at the ground level as per the drawing and marked numbers. and compare old and new circles are equal then the inspector gives that clearance and then starts the installation. ( if any type has confusion or trays are a mismatch then call vendor or site engineer)

After all activity finish remove the barricade and perform good housekeeping and clean the area.

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